Blog | It’s your data, your property!

Rudolf de Vetten, Blue Radix

Who’s actually owner of greenhouse data? A very logical question that many growers ask us when they get started with autonomous growing by Crop Controller. In this, Blue Radix makes no concessions whatsoever. The data is and remains the grower’s! The data of the growers’ crop strategy is the DNA of the company and this is also how they strengthen their competitive position in the market. Read more in the blog of Rudolf de Vetten, CPO of Blue Radix, about the different business models and what agreements growers can make to benefit of the worth of their data.

HortiDaily | Autonomous Growing – “The point isn’t to eliminate human labor, but to make the work easier for my employees”

Last week published an interview with Michael Del Ciancio from DC Farms Canada. More than 2 years ago, DC Farms was one of the early adopters of autonomous growing with Crop Controller in Canada. We’re very proud to support Michael in managing his greenhouse with AI. Michael is very much aware of the ins and outs of the greenhouse industry, and what the sector needs to be acknowledged. Read more in the interview with Michael.

Greenhouse Canada | Autonomous growing yields positive results in Ontario

greenhouse canada

Early March Greenhouse Canada published an article about autonomous growing in Ontario. Over the past two years, Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) has been partnering with Blue Radix to test Crop Controller autonomous greenhouse management technology and the results are promising.
The project wrapped up in early 2023 and the growers are quite satisfied with the results. Niki Bennett, Innovation, Adaptation, and Plant Protection lead for the OGVG oversaw the project. She’s hopeful that more growers will adopt more autonomous technologies like Blue Radix’s Crop Controller. Read more in the interview with her and Ronald Hoek.

Stronger plants & higher production with autonomous growing in Mexico

Autonomous growing is an important development for the greenhouse industry in Mexico. The continuous expansion of companies requires qualified personnel to manage the facilities. With autonomous growing, the management of bigger sites per grower is a reality and it facilitates the best use of resources. Four Mexican growers from Mesa Grande, Sevaga and Bresca/Hortalizas tell about their experiences with autonomous growing and how they optimize and realize their unique crop strategy with Crop Controller by Blue Radix.

Interview Village Farms Fresh: Autonomous Growing

This week GreenTech published an article in which they interviewed two growers from Mexico and one from the US to talk about the developments that they believe will have the most impact in the coming years. Arie van der Giessen, Vice president and Regional Facility manager of Village Farms Fresh talks about his experience with Autonomous Growing with Crop Controller. Read his experience in this article.

Managing the greenhouse from the cloud: opportunities with SaaS!

Laurens van der Spek, Blue Radix

Many new AI technology, software and hardware solutions are providing a breakthrough in many aspects in the greenhouse sector. But how do you make a wise choice as a greenhouse horticulture entrepreneur and what options do you have? What do you still want to manage in ownership yourself and what does this mean for connecting various technologies in the greenhouse? In this article, Laurens van der Spek, Chief Operations Officer at Blue Radix, tells us more about the opportunities of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

Revol Greens partners with Blue Radix to add Autonomous Growing to US greenhouses 

Revol Greens, the largest sustainable greenhouse lettuce grower in North America, has chosen Blue Radix to provide technology services to all of Revol’s US-based greenhouses. Blue Radix will offer artificial intelligence technology and services for Revol Green’s daily greenhouse operations including climate control, irrigation, and energy management. Revol Greens’ investment in AI will increase crop yield levels and reduce energy costs, furthering its mission to grow lettuce and greens in a more sustainable way that is better for people and the planet.

Hortibiz Daily interview | Manage more hectares with autonomous growing

Hortibiz Daily News Editor Ece Polat talked with Blue Radix CEO and Co-Founder, Ronald Hoek, about the growth of the company and his vision on the use of AI in greenhouses. [MvR1] Ronald also explains why growers choose for autonomous growing and what the main differences are between data-driven and autonomous growing.

Blue Radix and Microsoft collaborate to solve scarcity of crop expertise

Microsoft film recording with Blue Radix

Microsoft wrote an article and made a video together with Blue Radix, about solving the increasing scarcity of skilled and experienced growers. Microsoft reached out 3 years ago to Blue Radix to develop a commercial version of an AI-driven solution for autonomous growing. This solidified the partnership and helped develop what would become the commercially available Crop Controller service. Read more on how Microsoft helps Blue Radix in enabling growers and greenhouse entrepreneurs to produce healthy and safe food for the growing world population.

Full autonomous greenhouse production | article Commercial Greenhouse Grower UK

commercial greenhouse grower magazine

The Commercial Greenhouse Grower magazine from the United Kingdom published an 2,5 page article about Autonomous Growing in their August issue. The article highlights the capabilities of modern algorithms and computer systems to manage and control greenhouse environments. Rudolf de Vetten, Chief Product Officer at Blue Radix, Silke Hemming, Head scientific researchteam Greenhouse Technology of WUR and David Wallerstein Chief Exploration officer of Tencent, among others, talk about the developments of autonomous greenhouses. From execution of Autonomous Growing in commercial greenhouses to the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenges and new projects and research.