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Women in AI: What does the future of horticulture look like?
Getting the best from your crop and greenhouse will increasingly become a computer responsibility. We need to make better decisions. Artificial Intelligence can help us with this. But what skills are needed to work in AI tech? And what does the future of working with AI look like? Britta Meixner, Saheli De and Gosia Piekarska of Blue Radix answer these questions, and suggest how we can encourage more women to aim for tech jobs in AI or IT.

“Data science is here to stay in greenhouse horticulture”
Bram van Rens is Principal Data Strategist at Blue Radix. In this interview he explains what data science is and how he applies it. He also reveals its added value for greenhouse horticulture, not just in autonomous growing, but also looking ahead to future data science developments in the greenhouse industry.

Rising Farms starts AI-driven growing to become biggest of Mexico
To be able to scale up fast Rising Farms in Mexico will start working with autonomous growing by Blue Radix on their new location ‘Rising Park 1’. That location will house 47 hectares of high-tech greenhouses when all stages are completed.

Blue Radix organizes first Autonomous Grower Days
On July 14 and 15, Blue Radix organized the very first Autonomous Grower Days for Dutch customers. During these virtual meetings growers were informed about the latest developments in autonomous growing. “It gave an interesting ‘look under the hood’ and gives confidence for the future”, according to one of the growers.

The autonomous greenhouse, the one, every grower is talking about
In the July edition of Floraculture International Magazine, Ronald Hoek, CEO of Blue Radix is interviewed about autonomous growing with Crop Controller. Getting the best from your crop will in future become more the computer’s responsibility as autonomous growing looks set to relieve producers of some of the day-to-day decisions about steering the greenhouse climate, the article states.

“The art of growing is in details, only algorithms can handle this”
Poul Erik Lund is an international Crop Advisor and co-owner of Grotek Consulting, a Danish crop consultancy company for greenhouse vegetable growers in the North of Europe. Poul Erik has known Jan Hanemaaijer, Crop Advisor at Blue Radix, for many years. In this interview Jan asks Poul Erik what he thinks of the development of autonomous growing in general, and how it effects his work as an international Crop Advisor.

IN GREENHOUSES Magazine | Autonomous crop management systems developing rapidly
Autonomous growing is undergoing rapid development. That is one of the conclusions of this article in the May issue of the international ‘In Greenhouses’ Magazine. Four Dutch parties who are at the forefront in this field share their experiences. On behalf of Blue Radix, Rudolf de Vetten, Chief Product Officer, shares his vision and expectations.

The green expertise of Blue Radix
Blue Radix supports horticultural entrepreneurs in controlling their greenhouses with its Crop Controller service for autonomous growing – not just using software and smart algorithms, but also drawing on the expertise of its own advisors on crops, energy and data. Crop Advisor Jan Hanemaaijer and Autonomous Greenhouse Manager Geert van der Wel introduce themselves.

Greenhouse Canada Magazine | Artificial intelligence in the greenhouse
In the June issue of Greenhouse Canada Magazine a close look at how artificial intelligence systems are already making inroads to help growers better manage their energy use, improve yields and more. In the article Ronald Hoek, CEO of Blue Radix tells more about Crop Controller, the collaboration with OGVG and the future of AI in greenhouses.

BLOG | What horticulture can learn from the electric vehicle evolution
When electric cars began to appear about 10 years ago, the various market parties were busy developing their own own plugs, their own charging stations, their own ways of settling accounts with consumers. Complexity at its best. Fortunately, the market came to the conclusion that the growth of electric driving depends on good infrastructure and cooperation. In greenhouse horticulture we can learn a lot from this interoperability How and what? Read more in CEO Ronald Hoek’s blog.

Blue Radix & ecoation join forces with the world’s 1st Autonomous Find & Fix solution
The companies collaborate to improve grower decision making by using vision technology and algorithms. ecoation and Blue Radix are using the data collected by ecoation’s OKO and platform to enhance the impact of Blue Radix’ algorithms for autonomous growing.

‘Servitization: an important innovation for the horticultural sector’
Jan van den Ende is Professor of Management of Technology and Innovation at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and Professor of Horticultural Innovation. In the sector regularly discusses ‘servitization’:s a company’s transformation from product orientation to a service-oriented business model. As Blue Radix is a major proponent of the service-oriented model, we interviewed Jan on his vision for greenhouse horticulture from an innovation perspective.