Workshop autonomous growing at Mastercourse Floriculture

Late October, more than 20 future leaders and entrepreneurs from the floriculture industry got in-depth insights in Dutch leading horticulture companies.

They learned about the latest techniques and innovations so they can bring these learnings back to their countries and companies.

Blue Radix, represented by Rudolf de Vetten and Ronald Hoek, presented their vision on applied data science and autonomous greenhouse management.

During a workshop the group discussed the Blue Radix GROW-approach: how to start and grow a data driven horticulture company in 4 clear steps!

It was inspiring to see the differences and similarities in the challenges of these floriculture entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Mastercourse Vegetables is next

Blue Radix will also be participating in the Mastercourse Vegetables on January 27th 2020. Interested in joining?

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