Visit us at Fruit Logistica | Hall 3.1, Stand B-01

We’re excited to be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica 2025, the world’s leading global fruit and vegetable industry trade show! We are looking forward to meeting you to tell you more about our award-winning service Crop Controller for Autonomous Climate & Irrigation Control. 

We are looking forward to talk to you about: 

  • How to reduce 80% of climate computer work with Autonomous Climate & Irrigation control
  • The value of AI for the greenhouse horticulture industry
  • Experiences from growers worldwide in many different climate zones
  • The significant added value of Crop Controller for yield, resource usage & profit 

Don’t miss out on our keynote by Ronald Hoek

  • Date: Thursday 6 Feb 2025
  • Time: 14:30 – 14:50 hrs.
  • Location: Tech Stage (Hall 2.1 | A-40)

Keynote: ‘AI takes greenhouse growing to the next level’ 
Autonomous growing is not a vision of the future-it’s a reality today. Leading growers around the world are already using it with proven results. During this session, by Ronald Hoek, CEO of Blue Radix, you’ll gain insights into the functionality and grower experiences of Autonomous Climate & Irrigation Control by Crop Controller. This AI-solution really takes greenhouse growing to the next level. While AI solutions and dashboards often provide insights, autonomous growing goes much further. It takes over the daily execution of crop management and complex data analyses, all without replacing the grower. Greenhouse installation settings are automatically optimized and steered, enabling growers to work more efficiently and even enjoy nights, weekends off, without the need to intervene.

Contact us

Get in touch with us on LinkedIn or send a meeting request to We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth Hall 3.1, Stand B-01:

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