Blue Radix appoints Head of Sales in Canada and Northern USA

With me based in Canada and leading sales for both Canada and Northern USA, Blue Radix is poised to expand its footprint and impact in these regions. Growers can expect a future where advanced AI solutions simplify their operations, improve crop quality, and boost overall productivity.

Vine Fresh Acres: ‘Higher yield, knowing your crop is in good hands’

Vine Fresh Acres in Leamington, Ontario, grows high wire cucumbers and bell peppers. In 2021 the company took its first steps in the field of Autonomous Growing. Successfully, according to head grower Pete Neufeld and grower Jake Knelsen. They are enthusiastic about the use of Blue Radix’s Crop Controller. The service saves them a lot of time and provides valuable insights. Knelsen: “It makes my job so much easier and helps me oversee it all.” Read more in the full interview.