Want to know more about the added value of autonomous greenhouse management and how this helps the horticulture industry forward? Or do you want to start with a data driven business? Learn more and listen to our 2 podcasts recorded by Holland Hortimedia & Paprika radio.
Podcast Ronald Hoek | Algorithms can feed the world (6 minutes)

The growing world population needs healthy and save food. The acreages with greenhouses are growing, but there are not enough human growers to operate these greenhouses. Smart, autonomous, steering algorithms can provide solid solutions for greenhouses worldwide.
Podcast Rudolf de Vetten | How to grow a data driven business in 4 steps (11 minutes)

Data technology aimed at increasing the results of greenhouse production has improved significantly. New sensors have been developed, data platforms have been launched and calculation tools have been designed. What is valuable for your business and what is just noise? Our four-stage GROW-approach helps you to formulate a practical data roadmap.